Beyond the Edge of the Water: Reclaiming Biblical Discipleship for a Rising Generation
It seems that today’s world is sending the church down a slippery slope, dangerously impacting the approach of making of disciples. Far too many ministries focus on numbers, finances, and overall popularity. Nowhere is this more evident than with our youth. Our increasingly post-Christian culture needs a reset and reminder of Jesus’ picture of discipleship.
“Beyond the Edge of the Water” brings readers back to the biblical model of discipleship. Steven Kozak paints a vivid picture of the current cultural context and why efforts to make disciples is largely failing. Then he takes the reader through various passages in Scripture and brings to light aspects of following Jesus that have been neglected or forgotten.
Through real-life examples and his own story, Kozak shows that Jesus’ model is not only doable but necessary in the twenty-first century western world.